TheArknMythos Wiki

A list of all the known Arkn: Legacy works told through the act of literature.

NOTE: Entries in bold are canon and available to read.

Short stories

Name Storyline(s) Status Notes
A Dinner To Remember NA Complete A short story about an evening dinner between Senêrouxe As'phyxiar and Levitas Aversen.
A Few More Weeks Left NA Complete A one-shot by DeathlyLogic focusing on a victim of the Vyvn.


Ancient Words In Hushed Voices NA Complete Two Blood Flags teams square off in New York City.
The Army That Does Not Exist NA Complete A one-shot by DeathlyLogic about the secret army of the Arkn ruler.


Ashes to Ashes Ailingdaydream Complete A short story about the final moments between Ka'yel and Zachriel.
Avantas'tol None Complete
The Badlands Emperor None Complete A short story by Penthepoet, detailing a confrontation between Belial Casimir and his second-in-command.
Capisci? NA Complete A one-shot by DeathlyLogic detailing some of the inner dealings of the Dekn Mafia.


The Cardinal Rule Unknown Cancelled Story by Type0Negative.

Non-canon. Lost.

The Dekn Court The Baelbaurith Sequence Ongoing A collection of one-shots from Penthepoet detailing the inner workings of the Dekn Court.

Reprinted as "The Baelbaurith Sequence" on Of Scholars and Strings.

El'Eiza: The Dekn Queen of Spiders NA Complete A one-shot introducing the Dekn Queen of Spiders.


Empyrium's Brig: The Klayssh NA Complete A novella by DeathlyLogic.

Lost; non-canon.

Exile None Complete
The Halfbreed God NA Complete Non-canon.
In The Fog NA Complete An Arkn has a brutal encounter with Ethric zombies.

Non-canon; lost.

Marchosias The Baelbaurith Sequence Complete A slice of life story by Penthepoet showing Marchosias Aversen interactions with one of his servants.
The Master's Awakening Unknown Complete
Of Distant Stars NA Complete A short story by Penthepoet detailing reactions to the appearance of a strange door outside of Taveril'domaine.
Reignbreaker The Bard's Stories Complete A one-shot by Penthepoet during Ryael's Arkn life, revealing how they acquired the legendary sword.
Rules NA Complete Lost.
The Scholar of Ersis Staff of the Scholar Complete A slice of life story about Franz Faust.
The Shade Who Watched The Bard's Stories Complete A Shade assassin reflects on their encounter with Ryael.
With A Pull of the Trigger, His Head Exploded NA Complete The experience of one Risen as he enters his Eelekti life.

Non-canon; Lost.

You Did Good: An Arkn Legacy One-Shot NA Complete Reprinted.


Name Storyline(s) Status Notes
A Flock Above the Murder NA Cancelled The story of Cardinal, an Arkn noblewoman from the Crow Network. Written by Type0Negative. Non-canon.
Archives of the Scholar Staff of the Scholar;The Siren Saga (Crossover) Ongoing The personal blog of a half-Arkn named Franz Faust, who seeks to fulfill the legacy left behind by his famous ancestor.
Art Of the Secret Star NA Cancelled The personal blog of Allocer, the Dekn Master of Eloquence and Secrets.

Non-canon; Lost.

Astronaut on the Wrong Moon NA Cancelled Non-canon. Lost.
Bard of the Black Violin The Bard's Stories Ongoing The experiences of Ryael Morrow, a final stage Risen.
Crossroads Radio Crossroads Radio Cancelled The blog of Ersis-dwelling Dekn Corean, who is producing a radio podcast. Non-canon; Lost.
Failure To Launch Unknown Cancelled Companion blog to Astronaut on the Wrong Moon.Non-canon; Lost.
Feathered Iridescent Pink and Purple Ongoing The personal blog of Laurien Adaire, a Distalia-born Arkn.
Jericho Vivineah Unknown Cancelled The personal blog of the Dekn Vivi.

Non-canon; Lost.

Lament of the Falling Stars Unknown Cancelled Non-canon; Lost
Malachi X Unknown Cancelled The personal blog of Malachi, a final-stage Risen who must face his past after he finds himself stuck in the body of an Earthly ancestor.

Non-canon; Lost.

The Man With A Thousand Eyes Unknown Cancelled The personal blog run by somebody who is oddly familiar with a half-Hethe named Vincent (who is unaware of his true nature).

Non-canon; Lost.

Midway King Unknown Cancelled A blog detailing the adventures of a half-Dekn who seeks refuge at an amusement park.

Non-canon; Lost.

Mirrored Passeridae Pink and Purple Ongoing The story of Laen Adaire, the twin brother of Laurien (and a member of SEEKER's Looker Division).
Muses and Magick Pink and Purple Ongoing A blog of short stories (and other content) related to Laurien and Laen Adaire.
Notes to the Marked None Cancelled The companion blog to a vlog series concerning two children and a mysterious Professor who is tracking them. Non-canon, lost.
Of Scholars And Strings Staff of the Scholar;

The Bard's Stories;

The Baelbaurith Sequence

Ongoing The official OOG blog for Faust’s and Ryael’s stories, as well as oneshots for Legacy.
The Secret Chord Composing The Secret Chord Ongoing The personal blog of Emmanuel Vonn, a Risen, and his sight-impaired grandson, Aurelius.
Seeker of Escape Pink and Purple Ongoing Focuses on Leonora, a Half-Arkn conscript of SEEKER's Looker Division.
Shanna The Siren The Siren Saga;Staff of the Scholar Ongoing The personal blog of Shanna Averil, a Dekn singer/songwriter who becomes entangled in the Society of the Purple Rose.
The Siren's Saga The Siren Saga;

Pink and Purple

Ongoing OOG creator's blog containing short stories (and other content) related to The Siren Saga and Pink and Purple.
Society of the Purple Rose The Siren Saga Ongoing The official blog of the Society of the Purple Rose:

a Dekn cult devoted to Marchosias Aversen.

Spinner's Thread Unknown Cancelled Lost; non-canon.
Tales From the Dekn Court The Baelbaurith Sequence Ongoing An interactive blog by Penthepoet which follows the reader-guided experiences of Juniper, a young Dekn, as they attempt to navigate the perils of the Dekn Court.
Tom And Fren Blog None Ongoing The personal blog of a Shade.
Tooth, Claw and Scale NA Cancelled The personal logs of Salroth Evras, a member of a race of reptilian humanoids.


Used To These Dizzy Spells The Siren Saga; Laurien's Tale Ongoing The personal blog of Moirah Averil, a Dekn who is the aunt of Shanna Averil.