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This page is about the setting of Arkn: Unity. For The Arknverse incarnation, see Arknverse A.

Universe A is the setting of Arkn: Unity. It is home to the seven Hethe, the Arkn, Dekn, and Humanity.


In The Beginning

In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, from nothing came the First Circle, a mysterious portal to worlds beyond. Out of this portal came the first being, the Hethe De'ebolus. De’ebo kept the Circle open, creating the realm of Xua. With a new Existence and a realm created, six more beings like De'ebo were introduced: Crev'ial, Leg'leg, Zag'orv, Fab'ras, Tum'to, and Gar'sha. And they were the Hethe.

De’ebo was bored, and created an avatar to keep it company. This avatar was Dekncraath, a horned being who existed with nothing. Gar’sha saw this nothingness, and created the Tree of Riviera, a massive tree in which it constructed a castle. Dekncraath resided in the Tree, but still nothing was happening. And so, Leg’leg created a new being of its own: Gilgamesh, a being similar to Dekncraath, but possessing wings instead of horns. At first, the two beings existed peacefully. Tum’to saw this as boring, however, and with the blessing of De’ebo, it imbued Dekncraath with rage. Influenced by this new emotion, Dekncraath fought against Gilgamesh; from then on, the two beings were unable to coexist peacefully.  

Gar'sha was distressed by this conflict, and tried to fix it. She taught Crev’ial how to create a being to help the warring creatures. Crev’ial created Xymigos, which came out as a smokey abomination, similar in form to Gilgamesh (but not quite). Dekncraath thought Xymigos was disgusting and tried to kill it, but Gilgamesh stepped in and saved the being. The two beings bonded. Leg’leg, however, didn't like this, so it convinced Gilgamesh to take over the Tree of Riviera with Xymigos, as they now outnumbered Dekncraath. Gilgamesh and Xymigos fought Dekncraath, overpowering him.  

This was enough to worry De’ebo, who didn’t want his creations to seem weak; fearing Dekncraath would be overthrown, De’ebo helped Crev’ial create a new avatar (claiming that Gar’sha secretly botched the creation of Xymigos.) Together, the two created The Harbinger, a being that joined Dekncraath. The Harbinger and Dekncraath fought together against Gilgamesh and Xymigos, but during the battle, Gilgamesh awakened and used his Hethian power, “Brimstone” which completely annihilated the Tree.  

With the Tree gone and the avatars warring with each other, Gar’sha created Raziel, who was intended to bring the others together. Raziel was successful, and under his influence, the beings stopped fighting. In time, Gilgamesh fell in love with Raziel; this piqued Dekncraath’s attention, and he seduced Raziel. De’ebo was upset by this drama, which was not at all what it wanted, and desired to rekindle the war. It decided to split Dekncraath into two beings, so it tested this on Raziel, tearing him into the two halves: Raziel, and Azazel, both with an equal measure of power. With the experiment successful, De’ebo repeated the process with Dekncraath, resulting in Del'phar and Dekncraath.  

Del’phar was vehemently opposed to Dekncraath and attempted to kill him. The two of them then fought and started what would become the Second Conflict. Seeing the two fighting, the other beings took sides: Gilgamesh, Xymigos, Raziel, and Del'phar ended up warring against Dekncraath, Harbinger, and Azazel. Gar’sha, fearing things would get out of hand, separated the two warring factions into different realms: the Aetherium, where Raziel and the self-titled “Arkn” resided, and the Infinitium, where Dekncraath and his “Dekn” lived. In order to help the two races develop, Gar'sha, Fab'ras, and Zag'orv aided in creating more Arkn and Dekn, which no longer held the power that their original avatars had possessed. From here, the races evolved and spread throughout the worlds, building cities and forming their own societies and cultures.
