TheArknMythos Wiki

The Debigraff Effect is one of the laws of Existence in Universe A. It applies in all realities (including the timelines of .Reality), and is present in nearly all storylines of The Arknverse.


The Debigrath Effect states that when an individual enters a reality outside their own, they will replace their counterpart within that reality. The Effect is typically preceded by a phenomena called The Bleeding Effect, in which the individual who is set to be replaced receives the memories of their incoming replacement (often in the form of dreams or visions).

The Debigrath Effect typically occurs whenever a human moves from their home timeline to an alternate timeline within the .Reality system. However, it also applies to other realities, and can occur between a Guardian Arkn and their human counterparts (who are often patterned after or descended from them).

Trivia and Speculation

  • The Debigrath Effect, like the Laws of Hora, were created by Restore The Silence.
  • Most Arkn and Dekn avoid The Debigrath Effect by possessing humans, rather than entering the system directly. (This also helps avoid glitches and the appearance of Lurkers.)