TheArknMythos Wiki

Gone... but not forgotten.
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Hearts is an Arkn Mythos webseries that takes place in The HeartsVerse. It follows a character named Dylan who games on his YouTube channel, as he begins to fight threats that the rest of Humanity never knew about.

Season 1[]

The merging and destruction of four unknown universes leads to two new universes being created. This universe is as normal as any other universe: same time-stream, same history. Any events that happened in any of the now defunct universes are null, or have been merged to the universe's need.

Dylan Richard Killeburg, known by his gaming YouTube name, Hearts, starts to record gameplay of himself with his Webcam and Fraps. However, when playing, games start to crash, and Fraps stops recording. He doesn't get phased by it at first, as he thinks it is just a bug in the software. However, when something starts to communicate with him through text files and his command prompt, he begins to freak out. More and more bizarre phenomena begins happening such as mysterious notes being left on his front door step, and videos being left on his desktop. Then he appears.

A man appears to Dylan during his gaming session. He introduces himself as Trompeur, an overjoyous wise-cracker who tells him of the danger in this particular universe. He claims that the amount of other, now-defunct, universes are currently leaking, and that a threat has risen again. The man then takes his phone and "enchants" it so that Dylan can see these creatures (known as the Askoren Bats) and deal with them. He then tells Dylan that he'll be seeing him again.

Now Dylan must find the group of Askoren who are trying both to kill and open the gates to another universe. It's not just any universe, though.

Season 2[]

[Officially Cancelled]