Arkn: Legacy (a.k.a. Arkn X) is the first official canon universe in The Arkn Mythos. Created by DeathlyLogic, Kekstein, Penthepoet, and Candlewalkerstudios, it launched in the spring of 2017, and functions as both a true sequel to Arkn: Unity and a stand-alone canon.
Legacy takes place in Universe X: an entirely new universe which was born out of the End Times of Universe A. It is composed of a series of independent (though loosely connected) storylines, and is a major departure, in both tone and storytelling, from its original predecessor. Whereas The Arknverse was almost entirely restricted to the urban fantasy and cyberpunk genres, Legacy allows room for virtually any genre to be explored.
In Universe X, conflict once again rages between the angelic-looking, magic-wielding Arkn and the demon-esque, psychic Dekn. Humanity (from whom the Arkn and Dekn evolved) lives in quintet of universal orbs known as "Seeds", while the Arkn and Dekn dwell in their own worlds within a separate realm, the Lathrym. However, as time marches on, the Arkn and Dekn are brought into contact with humans, forming alliances with them. Soon enough, the Arkn and Dekn (and some of their non-human neighbors from the Lathrym) begin moving amongst the Seeds in disguise — outsourcing their own versions of the Mafia and the Yakuza, operating multi-universal corporations, and (on occasion) exterminating Seeds that have outlived their apocalyptic deadlines.
Much of the content in Legacy (as of now) is written, and consists of short stories and blog series. However, there are also a few vlog series and a number of audio logs.
Legacy is currently composed of these storylines. Some are independent, while others are loosely connected.
Staff of the Scholar: A plotline which follows the adventures of the half-Arkn Franz Faust.
The Siren Saga: A storyline which revolves around the Dekn singer/songwriter Shanna Averil and the Society of the Purple Rose: a Dekn cult that has devoted itself to the service of Marchosias Aversen.
Shadow On The Sea: Exploring the life and times of the Rofocale family, including the Half-Dekn Bobbie Harper and his eccentric relative Zachriel.
Inside District 5: A storyline following Astor Clemens, Cadmus Renn and The Veiled One as they team up to find the moles of Lucifuge Rofocale lurking within the ranks of The Runners and assist Bobbie Harper.
The Baelbaurith Sequence: Explores the in and outs of the Dekn Court.
The Bard's Stories: The ongoing saga of Ryael Morrow, a final stage Risen.
Pink and Purple: Two Arkn siblings, a SEEKER employee and a student of the Ethric Guild, are separated when the latter chooses to accept a dangerous assignment from an enigmatic Dekn information broker.
The Secret Chord: An independent storyline revolving around an elderly Risen caring for his sight-impaired grandson.